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Pitch Perfect: 4 Arm Care Exercises for Rotational Athletes - Part 1

While the title alludes to baseball & softball athletes, this post is for all rotational athletes and anyone looking to optimize stability and care of the shoulder joint.

The following exercises are ideal for quarterbacks as well as athletes that compete in baseball, softball, swimming, water-polo, volleyball, javelin, discuss, shot-put, basketball, lacrosse... I'm sure I left out a few other rotational athletes!

Rotational athletes are particularly susceptible to a variety of shoulder issues due to the repetitive nature of their sport and the high demands placed on the shoulder joint. Common issues that we see athletes dealing with range from: rotator cuff tendonitis, labral tears, impingement syndrome, superior labrum anterior to posterior (SLAP) lesions, frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) for starters.

Having a consistent shoulder care routine helps to reduce shoulder-related issues and provide overall stability to the shoulder joint.

Perform 1-3 sets, 10-15 reps

If you're first starting out with these - start with 1 set of 10 reps and build up from there.

(1) Palms down - chest height - Band Pull-aparts

Stay tall. Avoiding chest/thoracic flare

Pull band apart and hold at the end-range for 1-2 secs

Notice muscles through shoulder blades (scapulae) getting worked

Option - hold on to band without double-up like Coach Steve is doing for an easier version

Option - palms-up for a harder variation

(2) + (3) Diagonal Band pull-apart

1st Exercise - Keep Right hand down and stable, while left hand pulls band diagonally up, then switch hands

2nd Exercise - Keep Left hand up and stable, while right hand pulls band diagonally down, then switch hands

Stay tall. Avoiding chest/thoracic flare

Pull band apart and hold at the end-range for 1-2 secs

Notice muscles through shoulder blades (scapulae) getting worked

(4) Banded External Rotation

Stay tall. Avoiding chest/thoracic flare

Avoid arching lower back. This exercise will have a shorter range of motion (ROM)

Pull band apart and hold at the end-range for 1-2 secs

Notice muscles through shoulder blades (scapulae) getting worked


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